1 C of raisins
1/2 C dry coconut
1 bitter chocolate tablet (80-90%)
1/2 C raw peanuts
2 C hot water
Toast the peanuts in a pan, moving constantly for 2,3 minutes and reserve. In a food processor put the raisins, coconut and blend high speed, add slowly some water until you get a hard paste, refrigerate this mix.
Melt the chocolate water bath ( i did not add any sweet but you could add some) once is all melted keep them over the boiling water but you turn off the heat. Remove the paste from the fridge and start to shape the bars an put them in a tray cover with wax paper, put the peanuts on the top and cover with the melted chocolate . Repeat with every bar. Refrigerate or freeze them ( if you are in a hurry) for an hour. Keep them in a cover cantainer in the freezer :)
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