1 C of unpitted dates
1 Tbsp of cocoa or cacao
1/3 C raw almonds
1 tbsp of cinammon
1/2 tbsp of cardamom
goji berries and mulberries for the topping but you can use any dry fruit or berry that you like
Put the almonds in the food processor until it looks like a flour, then put the dates and blend again until you get a dough (if you have problems puor a little bit of warm water) then put the rest of the ingredients and mix it up one last time.
Make a big ball with the dough an put it on a recipient and push the mix all over the bottom and freeze at least for 3 hours. Remove f¿from the freezer and cut it in small squares and topped them with anything you want , I used almond butter , mulberries and goji berries. Enjoy!!
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